Home Good Recipe Home-made bread recipe

Home-made bread recipe


By Lilian Ntege

During this prevailing Covid-19 pandemic, a number of parents have decided to involve their children in different activities at home since school routine has been put to a halt.

Many have resorted to teaching their children activities like cooking, baking, house cleaning, gardening, farming and many others, depending on what the parent would want to invest in the child.

Justine Nagguja, mother of three in Kampala, says her children always pestered her to teach them how to bake.

When they finally had to be home for long holidays due to the pandemic, she was able to explore different baking skills with them.

She takes us through one of her recipes of making bread at home that she managed to pass to her children.

First mix or dissolve the yeast in warm water and then add sugar to the paste, stir well until well dissolved.

Add the remaining ingredients as you stir (eggs, milk and salt). Mix well until perfectly combined.

Add in your flour in the mixture and then knead the dough until ready.

You can add in some margarine and knead again till it is completely absorbed in your bread dough. Margarine helps to soften it more.

In case the dough is still not soft enough, add a little warm water at room temperature or slightly warm.

Cover your dough and make it cool for a period of 30 minutes or an hour.

Place your lovely smooth, elastic bread dough in an oiled bowl and cover it with plastic wrap or a clean towel.

Pre-heat the oven and then bake at 150 degrees for a period of 40 minutes.

Make sure you do not open the oven till the exact minutes are complete inorder to be perfectly cooked.

Cool your bread for a period of 15 minutes onto a cooling rack.

You can slice the bread into preferred sizes when ready to serve.

2 table spoons of yeast
6 Eggs
0.5 Litres of milk
2Kgs of flour
Warm water (about 105°F)

Home-made bread. (Photo/Lillian Ntege)


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