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Seeking the Saviour


By Kate Tamale -Sali

This Christmas, I have been reflecting upon the story of the Magi (The Wise Men) and their journey in seeking the young Messiah, King Jesus (Matthew 2:1-12).

Not much is known of the time frame of their voyage. It might have been several months or even a few years after Jesus’ birth when they arrived at Herod’s palace and asked: “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews?”

While some of the details of their journey may be unclear, there is much we can learn from the wonderful example set by the Magi that I encourage us to reflect upon this Christmas.

Brethren, this was a journey of faith. In all the uncertainty that lay ahead, they nevertheless made it their priority to pursue the Lord.

These men were single-minded and determined to meet a King called Jesus Christ. They travelled a long distance where they undoubtedly experienced challenges (not least from King Herod himself), but passionately sought Jesus no matter the cost.

They were not casual believers, but were committed to having a personal encounter with the new born King.

In the same spirit, we should mirror this testimony of wholeheartedly seeking the Lord and spend time in His presence.

We can put away all distractions and give Him our hearts without reservation.

Just like the Magi, let us seek the Lord, passionately and with a fresh revelation of His love for us.

As we celebrate, let us remember the reason of the season; Jesus Christ, the Saviour, who humbly laid down His life for the sake of mankind.

May His journey from a manger to the Cross, and His resurrection from the grave, be our primary pursuit. He is the King of all Kings, the Messiah, and therefore He deserves our eternal worship.

My friend, have you sought the Lord? Have you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour?

What a gift to receive this Christmas if you ask Jesus to be your saviour today! (John 3:16).

God bless you.
Happy New Year!


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