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Goat meat stew recipe


By Lilian Ntege

Goat meat is one of the popular and hearty stews worldwide. Those who love it swear it is the best one can have.

This delicacy is usually thin and bony. It contains minimal fats and cholesterol compared to cattle beef or chicken.

While cooking this meat, it dries out fast, so it is highly advised one cooks it in a marinade or stew to retain its moisture.

Thomas Seninde, a private chef in Kampala, takes us through the procedure of preparing goat meat stew without smoking.

- ½ kg of Goats meat
- 1 big carrots
– 3 pieces of garlic
– 1 large onion
– 4 table spoons cooking oil
– 1 small green pepper
– 3 big tomatoes
– Royco powder
– Cayenne powder
– Garlic powder
– Black pepper powder
– Mixed spices
– Meat cubes

– Chop your goats meat into your own desired pieces.
– Put the cut pieces in a pressure cooker, add water, salt and a few whole pieces of garlic, and let it boil for a period of 35 minutes.
– In the meantime, while it is boiling you can prepare and start chopping the ingredients like the onions, tomatoes, green pepper and garlic.
– When the meat is ready, remove the pieces from the soup, and put them in a pan for heating (Keep the soup for later use).
– Stir fry slowly for a few minutes, then add in the cooking oil and continue frying till it turns brown.
– You can now add in onions and continue frying for at most 3 minutes to a more brownish colour.
– Add in your carrots and greenpepper at the same time and fry for at least 5 minutes till they soften.
– After, add your chopped tomatoes, add one tablespoon of tomato paste (optional) and stir fry till they soften.
– Add in the soup that you previously boiled the meat with, and let it boil for 20 minutes.
– Dissolve the Royco powder, beef masala, black pepper, garlic powder, cayenne powder and a litttle proportion of mixed spices in water.
– After 20 minutes, add the mixture and boil for more 20 or 25 minutes on maximum heat.
Serve your goat meat stew with any meal of your choice such as irish, matooke, rice cassava or posho.


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