Home Editorial commentary The birth of Jesus Christ is the strength for salvation

The birth of Jesus Christ is the strength for salvation


By Rev David Munobwa

Christmas is here again! A time to celebrate and merry-making. As many get lost in the aflutter of Christmas, we should not forget that Jesus is the reason we celebrate.

Over the years, the festivities that come with the celebration of Jesus’ birth have, to a certain extent veiled the most important reason for the celebration.

The predominant view is that Christmas is a season of receiving new clothes, travelling to villages, having sumptuous meals, receiving gifts, uncontrolled shopping, and generally a time of holiday to catch up with family and friends.

While such happenings and events are not bad in themselves, it is important that we sit down and reflect of the thrust of Jesus’ birth.

In doing so, we don’t have to look further than the Bible. It is given that while Joseph was contemplating of secretly separating from Mary because of the miraculous conception, the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.

She will give birth to a son and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save people from their sins” (Matthew 2:20-21).

Hope for salvation
The purpose of Jesus’ birth was embedded in his divine given name “Jesus,” meaning “Yahweh saves”, hence the author of salvation.

There is no hope greater than the hope of salvation. In a general sense, salvation means preservation, or deliverance from harm, ruin or loss.

The world is full of challenges; like wars, poverty, diseases and their effects which have caused harm, ruin and loss to many lives, marriages, ministries, businesses and other sectors of governments and private lives.

This year’s Christmas therefore comes at a time when it makes more meaning than ever before.

And people need real hope, which is Jesus Christ. The hope is in the salvation brought by Jesus Christ, whose birth we celebrate on Christmas.

We should not merely indulge in merry-making or even merry-making for the wrong reasons.

We ought to reflect on this Jesus who was sent to the world to save us, and with this, we shall understand and get to live the life of salvation that starts with Christ.

The hope in Jesus’ birth is amplified more in Jesus’ mandate as narrated in Luke 4:18-19: “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Are you in any situation that feels like prison? Are you in distress, with no glimpse of hope? Remember Jesus came for you to be free. The coming of Jesus is here to set you free.

Regardless of the hopelessness surrounding your “imprisonment”, during this Christmas, the chain breaker, way maker, and miracle worker is born to bring the hope of freedom.

It is only the freed who can enjoy the fullness of life promised to those who believe.

The birth of Jesus reveals the true nature of God and His desire to have a closer relationship with man. (Source/Wikipedia Central)

An expression of love
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

God choose to express His love for humanity and He decided to send Jesus Christ, the Saviour. Humanity had sinned and God did not want to destroy them.

Human beings were blind to God’s care and had chosen their own way. But God wanted to open their eyes to the realization of His power, majesty, love and might, so He sent Jesus.

Jesus does not only proclaim freedom but also restores sight for the blind. Blindness of any kind is not good at all.

It is an implied state of losing focus, direction, and meaning in things that made sense before.

Embracing the Lordship of the born Son, Jesus restores sight, meaning renewed vision and strategic focus.

Make this year’s Christmas not only memorable but also contextually appropriate by letting his birth make a difference in your life.

It does not matter how big the setbacks due to lockdowns and the associated effects are, the hope that comes with Jesus’ birth is hope that doesn’t disappoint.

Make Him the reason for this season and you will experience the joy and peace that surpasses human understanding, because He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.

Feliz Navidad!

The writer is a liaisons officer, Busoga diocese.


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