Home Faith in Practice Women as life-givers and Christ, the life

Women as life-givers and Christ, the life


By Marvin Maniraguha

The paradigm of God giving life through women represents His plan to give eternal life to the human race through Jesus Christ.

Ultimately, this comparison of Christ (the life-giver or the life) and women as life-givers should be a fascinating one.

Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life came in this world to give us life if we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour.

God has uniquely designed women to conceive, deliver & nurture human beings. (Photo/Wikipedia)

On Jesus’ birth
The birth of Jesus as it was prophesied by the prophet Isaiah was one of the greatest things to happen to mankind.

It was going to be the beginning of a dispensation. He came to save the world from sin and have it reconciled to God as it was the will of God.

The circumstances under which Jesus was born were unusual because His mother conceived while she was a virgin despite having Joseph as her betrothed husband.

Jesus had to be born as a man to redeem man; even though He was God, He had to become flesh and blood to be relatable to man.

Much as His coming was proclaimed by the Old Testament prophets, a lot of people did not recognise the fulfillment of the prophecy of His appearance.

God chose Mary who was engaged to Joseph, who is pointed out as a descendant of David in genealogy. One would ask why her? The Bible states that Angel Gabriel called her favoured and blessed.

In her response to the divine assignment, Mary obediently said: “Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:26-38).

This would mean she was a god-fearing woman. When a woman conceives, she has an assignment to carry life in her.

It is her responsibility to make sure the child growing in her is healthy, until and after they are born. This is a responsibility that should not be taken for granted.

For Jesus to start with life on the earth, God had to prepare a vessel to carry and nurture Him as a man-child.

Mary was no ordinary woman, she was a chaste virgin. In Isaiah 7:14, the prophet stated that the Messiah (God’s Son) would be born of a virgin.

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”

Mary fit the bill. She was a young, unmarried woman, pure and godly.

Women as helpers
The purpose of God in the creation of woman was to provide man with a help mate.

God saw that it is not good that the man should be alone and He made for him a helper suited to him (Genesis 2:18).

During Jesus ministry, He chose twelve disciples, who He was to mentor to carry on with the ministry.

Because He was anointed and carried divine power to do signs, wonders and miracles, He attracted more than the twelve disciples.

As the ministry grew, some women joined to help. Among those women were Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna. These provided financial needs and helped where necessary.

From conception through children’s growth, mothers are there.

On Jesus’ resurrection
As God’s ambition was from the beginning, Jesus had to die as a sacrifice for many, so that He could bear their sins.

He died a merciless death at the hands of His fellow Jews having asked Roman authorities to crucify Him.

He died and was in the grave for three days and resurrected. The person who saw Him first after resurrection is Mary Magdalene.

She was so passionate and loved Jesus which is why she rose early when it was still dark to go to the tomb.

Naturally, anybody whether man or woman would fear to go to a tomb, but Mary braved it. God has uniquely designed women to be conception and nurturing beings.

Mary Magdalene understood the ministry of Jesus and made up her mind to stand by Him even to the point of death.

In the normal sense of day-to-day life experiences, we have seen women single-handedly raise children.

They carry nurturing attributes since they have a natural connection to children because they come from their wombs.

“I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6, KJV).

Jesus the life
The resurrection of Jesus guaranteed life, and this life is more than just natural life.

He defeated Satan when He went to hell for carrying the sin of the whole world and took the keys of Hades and death.

“I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades” (Revelation 1:18).

This means that whoever believes in Him will live forever even after they die.

What would bring eternal death was nailed on the Cross, implying the believers in Jesus Christ have eternal life and they are seen by God as righteous.


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