Home Family Life How Christmas season strengthens families

How Christmas season strengthens families


By Dickson Tumuramye

December comes with Christmas and the New Year celebrations across the globe.

Other than serving as a reminder of Jesus’ birth, it is also a joyous moment when people spend time with their loved ones.

The season is a moment when most people get time to check on their loved ones in the villages, and celebrate with them.

As we celebrate the birth of our Saviour and families gather, there are various transformations that are likely to come out of this season. Some of these include:

Christmas celebrations vitalizes relationships amongst family members.

The reason people get compelled to travel from different directions is to grasp that moment of celebrating with others and making merry, reveling the birth of the Saviour.

In some families, all the children, their spouses and grandchildren come for at least a day to have a meal together.

This creates bonding because the in-laws in that family get a chance to meet and share and mingle with other siblings in the family, as well as their children.

The grandparents also have the opportunity to have all their grandchildren together. The siblings meet and celebrate together at a family reunion.

This keeps the family in the spirit of unity and togetherness, and promotes oneness. Bonding is essential to any family’s unity.

The Christmas season is also an opportunity to visit friends and relatives, introduce your families to each other, or get a moment to meet and share.

This, therefore, builds strong relationships with those that you meet.

Physical presence is significant in relationships. So, consider using this holiday to meet people you have not met in a long time.

Because most work places are closed, Christmas grants parents a great opportunity to connect with their children. (Photo/Ledge Lounder)

There are families where some members don’t see eye to eye. Even when they meet by mistake, they avoid direct interaction.

In worst case scenarios, some are planning to cause harm to their relatives.

Since some people live a distance away from each other, they never get the opportunity to meet, talk and resolve their conflicts.

If a family, unfortunately, finds itself in such a conflict, Christmas may be the best season to reconcile its members and have them forgive each other.

Given that most work routines are put to a halt during such times, it presents a good opportunity to reflect on reconciliation and consider getting together with family.

Christmas can be an opportunity where you know you have no option, but to meet that person at a family gathering.

As such, if family members know the source of the conflict, Christmas can be an opportune time to amend the broken pieces and reconcile with each other.

Forgiveness can follow suit, and before you know it, there is peace and unity in the family. This can enhance strong family relationships and harmony in families.

Having meals together during Christmas is not only fun but also helps in reconciling divided family members.

It is definite that we are used to the saying, “Work without play made Jack a dull boy”. Breaking routine to have some fun is good for our bodies.

Everyone needs a break to enjoy this life that God has given us, and Christmas season is a great time.

It is so gratifying if this fun is had with family. Adequate time with family may never be guaranteed, especially among the corporate class who are often busy in offices or businesses.

Sometimes, the weekend or work-leave is not long enough to be with them and enjoy like during Christmas season.

Therefore, think of activities that you can do to bring you together with your family.

You can travel to a different place, to the village, or organize a get-together at a friend’s place and have different activities for a day that can foster togetherness and love.

Parents connecting with their children and grand children not only creates strong bonding, but also lasting memories. (Photo/Sixty & Me)

‘Breaking bread’ together
When did you last have a meal with your extended family? How long has it taken you to have a special meal as a family and as a way of celebration?

How special has such a day been compared to Christmas? Think about this season and make a plan for a special meal together as a family during the Christmas festive season.

It should be a moment when you should put down your busy-bee schedule and focus on having ample time with your family and sharing that meal. At such meals, children can learn family etiquette.

Attend church together
I know some people who only go to church on Christmas and New-Years day.

That is when they want to come close to their families, sit together, and worship the Almighty God as a family.

To children, it is a good gesture that you go with them to church on such a day.

The time spent together in jovial moods can never leave you the same as a family. It strengthens your bond.

Time to rest & connect
Some members are strangers to their own families due to different factors.

They never have time to sit and have deep conversations. Every day is serious business, either at work or in their private dealings.

They rarely have time to rest and sit and talk, in order know more about their family members.

It is common these days to find parents who do not know much about their children, or relatives not knowing each other.

Take advantage of this season as you get together with family to know them, their likes, and their interests, among others.

Christmas is a time to sit down with your family members and have meaningful conversations.

On such days, most public and private offices are closed, businesses are closed and everyone is somewhere at least with their families.

If your family members have been missing you because you are working from far away, you never travel to the village until the next Christmas festive season.

Now is the time to walk around with your children and have fun, be close socially, close the communication loop, and become common members like the rest and most importantly know each other.

New year goal setting
Oftentimes, when you meet as a family after a very long time, ensure that one of the activities in your conversations is to set plans and goals for the New Year.

This could also include an evaluation of the year completed and what you intend to achieve in the new one.

Such goal setting brings your minds together, makes joint plans, and strategises to contribute funds together for a common cause.

Before you know it, everyone is involved in a family task, thus strengthening your family relationships.

I know some extended families that gather on specific days during the Christmas season.

At such gatherings, family members meet their uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, and grandchildren among others.

They get to catch up and share life experiences with each other. The younger ones get an opportunity to tap on old age wisdom and knowledge.

These are opportunities for networking and learning how to tap into one’s resourcefulness. There is also motivation for each other on such a day.

Even parents get challenged from different perspectives and also inspire each other.

Eventually, new ideas are birthed as men and women of different calibers or age meet and share.

Understanding identity
Jesus Christ established a name that will last forever (Philippians 2:9-11).

I resonate His legacy with a family that has time to have special memories, evaluate who they are, sit and plan together, implement their ideas and define their purpose, share a common vision, and set clear boundaries and goals.

This season, let everyone know their family’s principles, roots, and where they are heading-helping them carry the family legacy on.

Christmas creates an opportunity to share and give the little you have to others. (Photo/holidayhelpers.com)

Generosity and giving
Christmas creates an opportunity to share and give the little you have to others.

It encourages generosity among family members that extend a hand by exchanging gifts among themselves and this can foster a sense of empathy and compassion within families, strengthening their relationships.

Therefore, use this Christmas to buy some gifts and go to visit a relative or person in need and share.

Creating memories
The holiday season should provide opportunities for families to create lasting memories through shared experiences.

Engage children in activities that keep them busy throughout the festive season.

This is the longest holiday of the year thus ensuring it strengthens their connection to each other through activities like hanging out as a family, picnics, visiting friends and relatives, and making home-made activities to create quality time with your family and this will not leave your children or family members the same.

Memories stick for years and it is reminiscence for joy even in the future.

In all, Christmas is a great moment that provides a time for families to come together, regroup for a common cause, create meaningful experiences, and express love and gratitude, all of which can strengthen family bonds and unity that last forever and keep the family’s identity.

The writer is the Executive Director, Hope Regeneration Africa, parenting coach, marriage counselor, and founder of Men of Purpose mentorship programme.


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