Home Featured Testimony Awilo’s tapestry of grace woven through tragedy, faith

Awilo’s tapestry of grace woven through tragedy, faith


By Pauline Akello

Concy Awilo’s voice, brimming with sunshine, whispers a tale different from most. Hers is a melody woven in hardship, embroidered with unwavering faith, and bursting with the vibrant colours of God’s love.

Awilo’s story is a symphony of resilience, a testament to the unwavering power of faith that transforms the depths of tragedy into vibrant threads of hope.

Her journey, though marked by the echoes of loss, is ultimately a celebration of the boundless joy found in walking hand-in-hand with God.

Childhood shadows
At a tender age, Awilo faced the unimaginable – the loss of both parents within a period of three years.

Grief threatened to engulf her, yet amidst the darkness, she found unexpected strength in the arms of her nine siblings.

“I grew up surrounded in love. Our parents loved us truly. So, their loss was deep, but we comforted ourselves and went through it,” Awilo says.

They also found strength in the comforting embrace of faith.

Huddled together, they discovered solace in the flickering candlelight of Church pews, where they embraced not just faith, but a family bound by shared loss and unwavering love.

Its unique bond they share even to this day. “Every time we went to Church, we received relief and comfort from the word of God.

So, we went there frequently, and with time, we found strength to move one,” she says.

Grief could have engulfed Awilo after losing both parents, but she found strength instead.(Photo/ Akello)

Blossoming faith
In Jesus, she found a Father who never left, a friend who wept with her, and a light that chased away the shadows of despair.

Her faith blossomed alongside her resilience. Her spirit, fueled by the unwavering love of her siblings and the comforting embrace of God.

She understood that God’s love was not just a whispered promise, but a tangible force showering blessings upon her family.

In their shared provisions, Awilo and her siblings saw miracles – a roof over their heads, food on their table, and the chance to chase their dreams through education.

Awilo’s education was funded by her siblings who worked different jobs to make ends meet. It was a challenging time, but the siblings raised themselves.

Awilo mentions the awareness of the loss, but at the same time, the constant reminder of God’s love.

It upholds and has reigned as a guide in many ways. She believes those who have no parents do not have to remain locked in the pain, but daily walk with an assurance of God’s ever-present grace.

Choosing God’s glory
Awilo’s story does not shy away from the challenges she faced, including navigating the complexities of young adulthood and romantic relationships.

She reflects on her journey as a student, acknowledging the twists and turns that life presented.

“At times I did not have upkeep at school, but I was still grateful because at least my fees were paid, though it was through my siblings sweat,” she says.

Yet, in the midst of these trials, she felt a calling to align her actions with the glory of God.

The pursuit of money to manage responsibilities took a backseat to a higher purpose — living a life that glorifies the Creator.

Walking in God
Guided by her faith, Awilo embarked on a successful career in Supply Chain (2011-2023), her passion evident in roles at DHL Supply Chain Uganda and Uganda Christian University.

She believes God heard her prayers because she always prayed to get employed immediately after graduation. She recognized a profound truth – God’s love was the source of her abundance.

This understanding ignited a fire of generosity within her, a desire to share the blessings bestowed upon her.
She started helping the needy and catering for some of her siblings’ needs.

A call for everyone
Today, Awilo’s radiant smile speaks volumes. It is not just the smile of a survivor, but the joyous glow of a woman blessed, empowered, and radiating the truth of knowing and walking with God.

Her tapestry, woven through the threads of tragedy and triumph, invites us to step into the light, trust in the unfailing love that whispers to our souls, and embrace the abundance of blessings that await us on the path illuminated by grace, her call is for us to be heave-minded and cleave unto God.

Her story is an invitation to step into the light, to trust in the unwavering love that whispers to our souls, and to embrace the abundance of blessings that lie in faithfully walking the path illuminated by grace.

And when we do, our own stories too can become luminous tapestries woven in the love of God.


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