Home Sermon There is more to love than romance

There is more to love than romance


By Rev Eric Mbusa

Valentine’s Day is generally regarded as a celebration for lovers. Couples are always seen expressing their affection for each other by sharing gifts and more.

However, romantic love should not be the only type celebrated on such a day. Love does not mean romance; it is much more.

First, let us understand some of the different types of love, each representing a different kind of affection or relationship dynamic.

l Romantic/eros love: This type of love is typically associated with passionate feelings and attraction between two individuals.

It often involves intense emotions, physical desire, and a deep emotional connection.

– Familial Love: This refers to the love between family members, such as the bond between parents and children, siblings, or extended family. It is often characterized by a sense of loyalty, support, and unconditional care.

– Platonic Love: Platonic love involves deep affection and emotional connection without any romantic or sexual elements.

It is often seen in close friendships where there is a strong bond, trust, and mutual understanding.

– Self-Love: Self-love, also known as self-care or self-compassion, refers to the love and acceptance of oneself. It involves recognizing one’s own worth, taking care of one’s physical and emotional well-being, and having a positive relationship with oneself.

– Altruistic Love: Altruistic love, also known as compassionate love, is characterized by selflessness and concern for the well-being of others.

It involves acts of kindness, empathy, and a desire to help and support others without expecting anything in return.
It is also found in long-term relationships or marriages where the initial passion and intensity may have faded.

– Agape Love: Agape love is a selfless, unconditional and sacrificial love that seeks the well-being and good of others without expecting anything in return.

– Philia Love: Philia refers to a deep friendship and affectionate love between equals. It is a type of love that involves loyalty, trust, and shared experiences.

It is important to note that these categories are not mutually exclusive, and love can often encompass elements of multiple types.

Additionally, the experience of love can vary greatly from person to person and can evolve and change over time.

Rev Eric Mbusa

Biblical teachings on love
The Bible teaches that love should be unconditional and selfless. It should be sacrificial in nature, putting the needs of others before oneself (John 15:13, 1 John 3:16).

Love should be patient and kind, demonstrating a gentle and understanding attitude towards others.

It should refrain from envy, boasting, or being proud, and it should not dishonor others (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

Love should be forgiving and ready to reconcile. It should not keep a record of wrongs, but instead extend forgiveness and seek reconciliation with those who have wronged us (Colossians 3:13, Matthew 18:21-22).

It should involve a willingness to serve and support others, putting their needs and interests above our own (Philippians 2:3-4).

Love should rejoice in the truth, avoiding deceit or falsehood. It should create an environment of trust and openness (Ephesians 4:15).

Love should be willing to bear burdens and defend those in need. It should involve trust, believing and having confidence in the goodness and faithfulness of others (1 Corinthians 13:7).

Lastly, love should be motivated by God’s love. God’s love is described as the standard by which all other love should be measured.

Believers are called to reflect God’s love in their relationships, as they have experienced His love through Jesus Christ (1 John 4:7-12).

How to express love with others
Here are some principles on how Christians can experience and express their love for one another:

– Christians should actively engage in fellowship and community with fellow believers. This involves building relationships, supporting one another, and participating in the life of the church (Hebrews 10:24-25, Acts 2:42-47).

– Christians should encourage and edify one another. This can be done through words of affirmation, acts of kindness, and offering support and assistance during challenging times (1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 10:24-25).

– Christians should serve and sacrificially give of themselves for the benefit of others. This includes using their gifts and talents to bless fellow believers, meeting practical needs, and showing acts of kindness and generosity (Galatians 5:13, Philippians 2:3-4).

– Christians should pray for one another and provide spiritual support. This involves interceding on behalf of fellow believers, offering guidance and counsel, and being available to listen and offer comfort (Ephesians 6:18, James 5:16).

By embracing these principles, Christians can experience and express love for their fellow believers, fostering a sense of unity, care, and support within the community of faith.

The writer is the chaplain of Busunga Primary School, Kasese, South Rwenzori Diocese


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