Home Family and Parenting Spiritual parenting Unpacking Isaiah 12:1-6

Unpacking Isaiah 12:1-6


A joyous song of praise to the Lord is all we have in Isaiah 12 . It still refers to the time when Jesus, the Branch of David will reign over the earth.(Isaiah11:1) .

The first reason for the praise is the Lord’s forgiveness. “Although, you were angry with me your, anger has turned away” (Isaiah 12:1). As children of God, the grace and mercy of God towards us for salvation is more than enough reason to praise Him.

A wonderful promise of joyfully drawing water from the ” well of salvation” raises the praise! It will not just be a tank, but wells that never dry up. This implies a constant flowing source of peace, hope, joy victory and unending love. This connotes with John 4:13-14.

Note that praise  precedes witness. The more reason for us to witness the Lord  for is His wonderful deeds in our lives. Witness is praise.

Be like David, he acknowledged that  the reason for his being alive and not dead was to declare the works of the Lord (Psalms 118:17). Tell someone today of the wondorous story of the Christ who died for you. Hallelujah!



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