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Adrabo’s journey to salvation


Pr Harold Adrabo grew up in a polygamous family where rejection, torture and hopelessness characterised his childhood, prompting him to think he had a spirit of rejection. However, this changed when he took a bold step to give his life to Christ. He narrates his story to Lilian Ntege.

Difficult childhood
Growing up in Alipi village, Yivu Sub-county in Maracha district, Adrabo faced the most horrendous childhood in the hands of his own father and step-mother.

He was denied food, school fees, and other basic necessities any child would need for proper growing up.

From a very tender age, Adrabo learned to fend for himself. He did odd jobs to get money which he would use to pay his school fees and buy other basic needs.

Overwhelmed by the difficulties, Adrabo says he felt his life was so miserable that he, at one time, contemplated suicide.

Using the money he got from his odd jobs, he bought a rope which he planned to hang himself with and end his missery.

But as he looked for a suitable place to execute his plan, he received an inner voice of hope, giving him a glimpse of a bright future.

It was then that he decided to endure the hardships as he looked forward to his better days.

As fate would have it, he chose to get involved in Church activities, believing God had given him a second chance to life.

Adrabo says one day as he left a youth fellowship, he received a conviction from God to give his life to Christ fully.
He then accepted Jesus as his Saviour and became born-again.

Pr Adrabo could have easily ended his life to escape misery and rejection if not for God. (Photo/Courtesy)

But, when his father heard that he had become born-again, he took a more violent turn against him, including carrying a panga and wanting to cut him with. Luckily, Adrabo escaped.

He ran to his father’s uncle who was a reverend, and narrated his ordeal to him. He was then allowed to stay there as he figured out life.

When he completed senior four, his father allowed him to return home after a serious negotiation and counselling from the uncle.

Adrabo spent the next two years in his father’s home as he pursued his Advanced Level certificate. After his senior six, he relocated to Kampala to search for employment.

Starting ministry
Before getting a job, Adrabo says he was led by God to join ministry.

“I decided to join Life Ministries, Kololo, where I trained in serving God for three years and after completion, I was transferred to Luweero district to serve the ministry from there,” Adrabo says.

After three years of serving in Luweero, Adrabo says God led him to establish his own ministry in Gayaza, Kampala.

“I felt so confused. I feared the fact that I had to construct a Church and run it because I had no money to buy land. It was hard, moreover directing me to an area where people speak Luganda language which I did not know,” he says.

He say amidst his fears, God always assured him of how He would always help him build his ministry, but he did not have any idea how this would be sustained.

With God’s graciousness and favour, he went to Hormisdallen Nursery and Primary school, Gayaza campus, where he spoke with the director, a one Kizito Mulalazi, who offered him space for one year in the school hall, free of charge.

He says: “It is an amazing testimony I can never get over. From the time I started serving God’s people, to the time my ministry grew.

“After one year, Mr Mukalazi offered to buy me land in Gayaza, saying I am a good pastor not like those who serve for material gains.”

But there was a wrangle on the land they initially identified. That prompted them to opt for another one in Kasangati, where they constructed Miracle Harvest Church in 2011.

Pr Adrabo says because he trusts and respects God’s guidance, he has enjoyed the gift of salvation.

He says God has been so faithfull to him, and he has now constructed 20 Church branches in different parts of Uganda.
“We have Churches in Kasese, Bweyale town in Nyakadot, Ntungamo, Isingiro refugee area, Hoima and Lyantonde,” Adrabo says.

He reveals that 19 of his Church branches are on their own permanent land which he bought.

He says he is now considering buying land for the remaining ones too.

Adrabo, however, reveals that some of the money he used to buy the land and construct those Church branches came from donations.

More responsibilities
Pr Adrabo is also the overseer of born-again Churches in Gayaza and Nyangabo sub-county in Fortportal district, a responsibility he is grateful to God for.

He is also currently pursuing his Masters of Christian Leadership Administration and Management at the North-Western Christian University, Kitetika in Wakiso distrct.

He says he will always serve God for the rest of his life in fulfilment of God’s plan for him.


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