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How Jesus changed my life


By Ronald Beinomugisha

Born 30 years ago to Fred and Sarah Katungi in Kakabano Village, Kabale Municipality in Kabale district, I am the 5th born of seven. Our family was not very religious, but I grew up seeing our mother leading us in prayer before food or going to bed.

Early life

Our mother came from a Muslim family. A little later she converted to Christianity. We began to follow her to Church every Sunday and she would take us to Sunday school.

This greatly brought us close to God as Prov.22:6 says: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it”. Later on, my brother Julius Arinaitwe joined the Church choir and served God through singing. This made me won
der which secret Julius found in serving God.

I consider suicide

All my thoughts were evil, every day thinking of committing suicide so that I die and overcome suffering on earth. On top of all the challenges of poverty, conflicts, diseases and hatred, in 2002 I was ‘bewitched’ by relatives who never wanted me to study.

I, therefore, grew up hating myself since the whole village called me a misfit and a shame to my family. I developed extreme fear, anger, hatred, lust, greed, wickedness, and every night I had demonic dreams. I hated God and His servants. I went through all my childhood with misery and hopelessness. I missed Primary Three and Four.

New beginning

In 2004, I rejoined school, in the second term of Primary Five at Kabale Parents School. After three years of demonic torture, when everyone had lost hope in my future because my parents had done all they could, we started waiting for my death. One Sunday evening after trying very hard but failing to go to school, I heard a great voice: “Go to school tomorrow”.

And indeed the following day, I went to school with the help of my uncle Richard. By the grace of God, I was voted the class monitor, chairman Debating Club, Music chairperson, and later, I became the head prefect. Although I had not known God, He was kind to me because I performed well in Primary Seven.

Scoring an aggregate of 12, I was among the five pupils in the first grade in 2006 at our school. My poor parents were now determined to send me to a secondary school. In 2007, I joined Kabale Trinity College for my Senior One.

The day I met Jesus

When Rev. Henry Nzana was preaching on Sunday August 8, 2007 at Kabale Trinity College in the chapel, God convicted me of my sins and showed all I had gone through. But I was full of fear and felt shy to take a step of faith and stand up.

But He kept calling: “Come this is your time!” I heard my name being called, “Ronald, this is your time. Come to me and I give you rest.” With a borrowed Bible, I stood up and walked to the front. When I got to the altar, with shame and fear due to the evils I had done, I sung: “I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back no turning back…”

After singing, I felt joy for the first time in my life and the burden taken away from my shoulders. Mathew 11:28 “…Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…”

A walk with Christ

Jesus held my hand and we walked together but I didn’t completely trust Him with my life. For three years after receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour I kept leaning away.

I kept in my own world. On December 31, 2010, Jesus called me again. From then, Jesus became the most important thing in my life – my only friend. The following day, I recommitted my life to Christ.

Jesus reigns

By the grace of God, I got the hope of living again. I give up my sins and continue with Jesus. It has not been easy but I have reached this far. God has used me to preach and to witness to many people in different places. I preach in season and out of season.

A lot of temptations come my way but the Lord has been faithful. He has not let me to go back to the world of sin. I am a repentant sinner and poor in spirit. Every day is a new day for me to re-surrender to Jesus because as a human being I sin in ignorance or make a bad decision but whenever I am convicted of any sin, as David, I throw down myself in humility and repent. The journey to heaven needs commitment and self-denial. My dream is to witness to the whole world in word and in deeds that Jesus lives and saves.


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