Home Featured Testimony Why testimonies matter

Why testimonies matter


By Pauline Akello

When they speak of testimony, many refer to the time when we verbally share what Christ means to us.

But a testimony is a personal account of what God has done in your life.

Sharing your testimony with others is a charge for all Christians.

When testifying, you tell how you came to trust in Christ alone as your Lord and Savior. You share how God opened your eyes from sin, the different events that led to your salvation, and how God has worked to bring you to repentance.

Testimonies also include times in your life (and there will be many) when you felt helpless or alone, yet relied on God.

Look for ways to share such in conversations. Finding that connecting point opens the door for your testimony to be received.

There are several ways of continually sharing testimonies with others. You will find many times to speak a word of encouragement to others.

In Acts 13:15, Paul tells us: “If you have a message of encouragement for the people, speak. When the opportunity arises for you to talk to someone about your faith, “please speak.”

Testimony is not yours
In the past years, evangelism pointed towards the existence of God, objective truth, and the historic trustworthiness of the resurrection.

Joy Apio, a born-again Christian, says testimonies are intended to give glory back to God.

“God has to receive the praise for what He does. He allows the circumstances good or bad to shape us and we are called to praise in all situations,” Apio says.

Evangelist Ronald Murugayo, the Chairman of Good News Nazarites Africa Ministries, says giving personal testimonies, helps in remembering God’s wonderous works and celebrating His mighty deeds in our lives and Churches.

Testimonies should be God-centred. “Secular testimonies focus on how we changed despite obstacles. A true Christian testimony focuses on God who reconciled us to the Father, calls us to repent and be baptized, and commissions us to His work,” Murugayo explains.

Testimonies vary
One would ask; can you still have a testimony if you were raised Christian? Some Christians are radically saved from a life of sin and have what some like to call an “amazing” testimony of deliverance.

Many other Christians, especially those saved at a young age, say they do not have dramatic stories.

But we all have something in common; we are not perfect. We have concerns and God is still working on us.

Even if you have never indulged in alcohol or any drugs, guard your heart to the best of your ability.

Pray often when struggling with temptations. The truth is; we all need God’s grace.

Walking faithfully with God is a powerful testimony. If you do not have a “prodigal son” testimony, God still has work for you to do.

He may use you to help others pursue Him. Whichever way He uses you, that is your testimony.

Many Christians who do not understand how they got saved, do not know they have a stunning testimony.

Your belief is a miracle; you did not choose it. So, choose to die and live for Christ.

Be grateful that God saved you and continues to sanctify you before you could wreck your life.

Inability to discern our condition before and after grace means we shall never know the depth of our depravity or the glory of God’s grace.

Murugayo says our testimony is a form of praise and honor to Christ.

Many Christians who do not understand how they got saved, do not know they have a stunning testimony.

Power of testimony
Our experience with Christ is meant to be shared. Yet sometimes we lack the courage or bear a certain shame from whence He has brought us, or fear the scorn of others. Difficulties in life are never meaningless.

Stand on Romans 8:28. Begin to realize that the things that you go or went through are a testament to building character and relationship.

Apio says we have to know that giving testimonies shames the Devil.

Murugayo says testimony is a powerful tool in sharing what God has done and is continuing to do in our lives.

He says Revelation 12:11 is what propels us to overcome: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.”

He says as God’s people give public praise to Him for His deeds, they bear witness to Him.

What He is capable of doing for us is communicated by what has already been accomplished for us.

Never be afraid to testify. Your testimony can encourage and inspire.

Help people dwell upon the goodness of God, His grace, and His deep love. Pray that God gives you boldness and the opportunity to share.

The Lord can use you to help others come to know Christ.


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