Home Sermon You need fellowship with the Lord, God

You need fellowship with the Lord, God


By Ev Ronald Murugayo

Daniel 11:32 states: “But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”
We get to know God in a place of fellowship with Him.

The wisdom, strength, and power to live a victorious life in this wicked world is drawn from a place of fellowship with God.

The stronger and deeper the fellowship, the greater the victorious lifestyle you will display because our relevance comes from the place of intimacy with God and the Holy Spirit.

God also knows that it might be hard at times and that is why He gave us the Holy Spirit, a helper to take us into the deeper dimensions of knowing Him.

Romans 8:26: “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered.”

The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us, teaches us how to find the way, and guides us there step by step.

He helps us to pray and to settle where we ought to be. All this happens when we yield totally to His guidance and instructions.

Fellowship with others
Fellowship with the brethren paves the way to fellowship with God. Jesus was also always in fellowship with His disciples, especially Peter, James and John, who later became strong pillars of the Church.

Mark 5:37: “And He permitted no one to follow Him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James.”

The more time you spend with God, the more power you learn His ways. And these moments cannot be replaced by anything money can buy. No wonder David said that one day in the house of God is better than a thousand days in the world.

A place of fellowship is where you will meet and receive revelation and secrets about your destiny. God is real and He responds, we just have to be attentive.

A Christian life is a life of revelation and a life of divine possibilities. These revelations and possibilities are received in a special place of fellowship with God.

God is calling you and me into this place of fellowship. This is a place where you talk to God like a dear Father.
It is a place where we are renewed. David asked God to renew His steadfast spirit within him, and this happened in a place of fellowship.

God calls us to fellowship with Him
Isaiah 1:18 “Come now, and let us reason together’ Says the Lord; ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

It is a place of reasoning with God. He allows you to reason with Him.

It is here where you ask God why your Church is not growing, why your business is not developing, why you are not married yet, and why you are still renting, and other needs that you might have.

As you reason with God, He will give you answers and ideas that will turn things around to your advantage.

How to fellowship with God
The secret to enjoying fellowship with God is to worship Him, be still and wait upon Him patiently.

God is waiting for you in that place of fellowship, He Himself alone knows the plan He has for you.

To settle comfortably in this place will cost you all of you. You have to totally surrender and let God live in you.

By this, you will be given all your heart’s desires. you will ask for nations and nations will be given to you.

This fellowship is a daily activity and one has to be consistent and diligently follow their prayer timetable.

When you lack consistency, you might lose direction in the Christian life. You might also get lost or stay stagnant in one place for a long period of time.

I pray that you will find this place where God wants you to meet Him daily. May the Spirit of God guide you into this place in the name of Jesus Christ.

The writer is a Pastor at Good News Nazarites Africa Ministries.


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