Home Opinion Christianity should not stop at Church

Christianity should not stop at Church


By Sarah Kyomugisha

Growing up in a Christian family, nothing mattered to me other than going to Church every Sunday.

I thought I was indebted to God for how far He brought me and for every victory He granted me.

It never crossed my mind that I would tread going to Church on Sunday for anything else. But life is unpredictable.

When I got my first job after graduatiting from the university, I was overjoyed. But I was supposed to work from Monday to Sunday.

I was excited, but also saddened because my Sundays were snatched away from God. As such, I dreaded Sundays at work and was constantly complaining.

The truth is; I had limited my Christianity to only going to Church. But after a lengthy reflection, realized being Christian was more than just going to Church.

I am sure many of you may have already experienced, or are yet to experience such conflicts of interest.

That makes me ask: what do you do when circumstances around you take away your time of going to Church? Do you cease to be Christian?

Being a Christian does not entirely depend on going to Church. It is what one carries in their heart. Their values and how they treat one another.

Jesus told us to love one another (John 13:34), and I think that is the true essence of Christianity.

Loving one another means showing kindness, feeding the hungry, and being compassionate to the poor and those in need.

In fact, I have come to learn that Church is more than just a building. It is a group of believers who have been blessed to carry out the will of God in the world.

Christians attend a Church service. (Photo/Carryfirst.org)

Being a good Christian
A good Christian is one who understands the Bible teachings and practices what he has learned. He or she is more of a doer than hearer of the Word (James 1:22).

In Mark 16:15, God tells us to go out and preach the Gospel to the people. It is the role of Christians to start fellowships in their homes or workplaces as a way of glorifying God.

In my case, I had to learn to fellowship at work. The Gospel should not be left in Church buildings.

To be a good Christian, one should be a light in the lives of people around them.

Jesus says in Matthew 5: 14 : “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.

“Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.”
Being the light means sharing the Kingdom of God with people.

A good Christian should also have a steady relationship with God.

It is important to go to Church every Sunday, but eventually, it takes a personal initiative to strengthen our relationships with God.

Observing God’s instructions and having a proper relationship with Him makes one a good Christian.

You may go to Church every Sunday, but if you are disobedient to God, you are not a good Christian. Let your ways show your faith, not your frequency at Church.



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