Home Featured Specials Churches join hands to save starving Karimojong

Churches join hands to save starving Karimojong


Climate change has continued to affect human life, especially in terms of food security.

For instance, extended droughts experienced in the Karimonja Sub-region of Eastern Uganda, affected food production, leaving the people exposed to hunger.

As of August 2022, more than 900 people were reported dead due to starvation.

The situation has prompted various humanitarian actors, including Churches, to intervene and save the people.

On September 25, Pr Robert Kayanja of Miracle Centre Cathedral, alongside Pr Chris Nsubuga-Mugga of Worship Harvest, and Apostle Grace Lubega of Phaneroo Ministries, flagged off over 10 tonnes of food, piles of clothes, seeds and tractors to be taken to Karamoja.

Pastor Kayanja says the Karamoja situation created a need for feeding over a million people daily.

The September supply was the second phase after the maiden July supply of 60 tonnes of food.

During the event, Pr Kayanja said while sending food relief alleviates the problem in the short run, there was need to redeem the people by equipping them with life-saving tools.

The intervention follows a similar vein of support rendered by the Church of Uganda and its partners under the Uganda Joint Christian Council, and the Rural Action Community Based Organisation with ACT Alliance Uganda Forum.

The relief food was delivered to the communities such as Loyoro where four hundred households were served.

Prs Chris Nsubuga-Mugga, Robert Kayanja and Ap Grace Lubega, flag off the supplies. (Photo/Courtesy)


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