Home Opinion Love is beyond Valentine’s Day

Love is beyond Valentine’s Day


By Benson Amanya

Valentine’s Day means a lot of things to different people. Among popular circles, this day is known as a time to celebrate love, exchange gifts and enjoy romantic experiences.

Historically, Valentine’s Day is a time linked to celebration of the life of a Roman Catholic priest called Valentine, who lived in the Third Century and was killed for his unique acts of love.

Even so, when this day approaches, many people get filled with anxiety and excitement.

This day also comes with the fear of not standing up to their partner’s expectations of “romance”, or not finding the “perfect gift” that will top whatever was given the year prior.

There are also those in new relationships, who are not really sure how much they need to do, so they seem interested but not too eager.

Some people take their loved ones for romantic dinners, while others may choose this day to propose or get married or even rekindle their love for each other.

How much more romantic could we be than to change the whole calendar to start your year off with the warm and loving month of February, the month to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

For a person in a relationship, shouldn’t every day be dedicated to your significant other and the relationship you both share?

This day comes as an addition on other special days to celebrate together; could be a birthday or anniversaries and so on.

Such special days in the life of those relating together could be a time to reflect on how your love and thoughtfulness has paid off through every thick and thin moments that you have sailed through together.

Valentines ought to be a season of love and not lust and sexual pleasures. (Photo/Clear Essence)

Much more
I have lived to appreciate the fact that love is more than a sensation shared by lovers, more than the gifts and moments shared together.

The gift of love is an immeasurable one. You can love more and more people all the time; love more children, more brothers and sisters, more aunties and uncles, more friends, love your Creator and Heavenly Father more and more.

And you do not have to take away love from one person to give to another; it is more than enough to be shared.

Love is one unique passion that goes on and on regenerating itself. This is the phenomenon of love.

It is yours to give freely and abundantly. So this Valentine’s Day and beyond, instead of lavishly spending on one particular romantic love of your life, you can as well spread your generosity to embrace those who do not have the luxury of family or friends to share their gift of love.

It should be a season to show kindness, by doing something special to show others that you truly care especially for those in need.

Things change
The novel code of Valentine’s Day continues to be diluted every year.

The sanctity of the event has been reduced to a festivity of immoral pleasure. The dishonor of the virtue of love has been amplified to an immoral proportion.

The language that Valentine’s Day speaks today is the erotic attraction between opposite sex and the predictable carnality that ensues.

Instead of promoting the good-natured virtue of love, lust has taken the centre stage.

Valentine ought to be a season of love and not lust.

Sexual pleasure should not be the reason for love, but to show compassion to our community members.

Correspondingly, this season is not a time to start drinking alcohol or take part in other suspicious activities, but a great opportunity to express natural love to people.

The sanctity of the event has been reduced to a festivity.

God’s Love
Beyond the legend and Saint Valentine himself, the celebration should be all about love.

Needless to mention is that our God is love; He is the author and model of love.

If love in the real sense is what is being celebrated, then God ought to be the centre of the celebration.

There is need for humanity to redefine what is being celebrated on this 14th day of February.

God’s love is unmerited, never-ending and overwhelmimg. It is given to everyone who has faith in Jesus as Savior regardless of their other relationship status.

To the singles, it is easy to feel unloved when you do not see who to be your “valentine”.

But as a Christian single people on Valentine’s Day and beyond, may you rejoice that the Lord of all creation is delighted to set His affection on you!

While we celebrate love in the name of St Valentine, who was martyred many years ago, the gift of love draws its deeper revelation right back to the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ who sacrificed His life for us.

As Christ loved and loves us in our imperfect nature, so we should extend love, even to those we consider undeserving.


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