Home Lead Story What others say about the need for Christians to pray always

What others say about the need for Christians to pray always

Pr Ben Odongo

What is Prayer? Mark 11: 24: “Therefore I say unto you, whatsoever things ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

Prayer is making your desires known to the father. It also means to make a strong appeal or a fixed request of what you desire. This implies that prayer cannot be by thinking, words have to be spoken.

It is an activity carried out in reverence by man. Philippians 4: 6 says be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

By prayer and supplication, let your request and desire be made known unto God. The words ‘prayer’ and ‘supplication’ refer to the same thing, it is to make petitions or come before a higher authority with your request.

Prayer involves verbalising our desires, to speak forth our request unto God.

  • Pastor Ben Odongo
Niky Jovan

We are living in a time when men have come up with different kinds of prayers and confession lines. For example; a prayer to break generational curses, a prayer to align your destiny and more.

The question I always ask is; do you have the revelation of the man that wrote that prayer? Prayer is so personal.

For me it is a time when I talk to my creator. My prayer closet is the place where I am most real. I go to the closet as me, not with something I have crammed or heard from someone.

In Matthew chapter 6:9, what we now call the Lord’s Prayer, I believe Jesus was talking to Old Testament believers but the New Testament believers have been given the Holy Spirit and this same spirit gives us utterance.

James 5:16 says “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much”.

Fervency is however relative and each one of our prayers can be fervent only to the degree of how much we are yielded to the Spirit of God.

  • Nicky Jovan.
Eron Nabbudde-Ayebare

God wants our spirits to connect with His Spirit. And this is the true purpose of prayer.

So now that we know this, we will pray not for our neighbors to hear that we can pray but for God to hear and connect with us.

And when He connects with us, it is evident in our daily lives for others to see.

This is the reward we are talking about that He will give to those who pray in secret. So when you pray, just talk to God and mean what you say and let God connect with you through His Spirit.

  • Eron Nabudde-Ayebare.
Gideon Kyabakama

The right way to pray is to focus on Jesus and His kingdom. We must also have a relationship with God in order to pray.

In Matthew 6, we are taught to address God as our Father. If you have no relationship with Him as your father, you cannot pray effectively.

A father has an obligation to take care of His children. By understanding God as our Father, we cease to gamble in prayer because we expect a definite answer.

  • Gideon Kyabakama.
Esther Nanyonga

The effective way to pray is to acknowledge the sovereignty of God and believing that you are seeking the higher power of God, who owns everything and if you ask anything of Him, He will grant it to you.

While praying, I approach God with boldness, knowing that if I ask Him of anything in line with His will regards to me, He will be able to grant it to me.

I believe that this God I am praying to loves me because He said in His word that if I ask of anything in His name, I shall receive.

So while praying, approach God knowing He is a good father and there is nothing good He will withhold from you.

  • Esther Nanyonga.


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