Home Featured Confessions What was your best/worst Valentine’s memory?

What was your best/worst Valentine’s memory?


My worst memory is when I bought him a present and he boldly told me: “I hope you don’t expect to get one from me”. He never gave me anything, but since we had just started dating, I thought it was understandable.
The following year, he ignored me the whole day while others were exchanging gifts. When I posted a glass of wine on my status, he got jealous and started questioning me. Anyway, there were other red flags, so I ended the relationship.

              - Lilian Najjemba.

I gave him a gift worth Shs 300,000 and he told me he expected something bigger than what I gave him. Meanwhile, he assured me that he was not going to give me anything. But thank God, I left him.

                 - Natasha Bangi. 

Mine may seem unbelievable. I bought a Toyota Harrier Kawundo using my savings and added some money I got from my dad’s account. He did not get me anything. I would have been happy even if it was a flower worth Shs 20,000 but nothing.
Unfortunately, he left me and I am still struggling to pay the debt. We had a farm together but he ‘kuferad’ me. And my dad is still annoyed with me.

                 -Eve Nampanga.

The person I was dating told me that he had gone to buy me flowers, but he never returned. The following day, I broke up with him.

                - Shadia Nakulima. 

I got him a pair of shoes. He passed by my workplace in the afternoon to pick the gift. He came empty handed, tried on the shoes, which fit perfectly. He then left the old pair he came with.
Later, he sent me a message saying he had forgotten to buy me something because he forgot it was Valentine’s Day. After two days, he sent me another message saying I should get him another pair of shoes similar to the one I got him, but in a different colour. I blocked him instantly. What manner of nonsense!

                - Alice Terwane. 

It is the day I had plaited my hair knowing I was going to spend the day with my then boyfriend. But my dad came and told me to pack my bags and go to school. I left without even seeing him. I got frustrated.

                - Margret Nakakande. 

I found out the guy I was dating was cheating on me with some girl he always claimed was just a friend. I cried the whole night. I have never forgiven him.

                - Robina Nakamya. 

I bought him a watch and he refused to wear it saying it was fake. When I went to his house, I found he had broken it. I then offered to buy him a jersey, but he said he can only wear an original one. He even forwarded me the number of the person who sells them. I found the cost was Shs 120,000, yet my salary was Shs 200,000. He even refused to buy me a gift on my graduation claiming I had to get him the jersey first.

                - Kevin Akakunda. 


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