Home Opinion Zoom fellowships unseating ‘my church’ syndrome

Zoom fellowships unseating ‘my church’ syndrome


By Benson Amanya

In this unprecedented Covid- 19 season, I overhear individuals asking for the next available online link to join fellowship. There is less of “send me a link of only ‘my Church’, my diocese, ‘my fellowship’.

We thank God for the availability of such online tools and the resources that make it possible for us to commune and fellowship as His children.

I have correspondingly attended fellowships (and continue to do so) under different Churches via the Zoom App, and all of us in attendance are recognised as one family.

Links are shared from one Church or the other to different media platforms with open invitation.
Some people are even attending more than one fellowship on a day like Sunday, getting nourished from a number of Gospel ministers.

There are moments when what should be ‘Church-online guests’ are even more than the ‘online-members’ in attendance. But who has time to verify all that in this season; is it even applicable?
At times, the host is from a different Diocese or Church, the Preacher and moderator from another, and so are the rest in attendance.

At that time, we are all home enjoying a homily at that particular Church hosting us. If the link directed us to say; “Karo-Church of Uganda”, at that time we are all at Karo and feeling at home. That is the way to go.

Those who longed to visit the popular Cathedrals are visiting there through platforms such as Zoom, YouTube, Facebook or Google meet. Even when normalcy is restored, let unity of faith continue as one family of believers breaking through the physical, denominational and ecclesiastical boundaries.

Well, after reopening of physical Church assemblies like it happened in 2020, some practices will be relaxed and virtual fellowships may perhaps be here to stay.

As a point of fact, this season has stirred Church’s media presence and visibility. Churches are working hard to occupy media spaces in order to reach out to the target audiences. This is a positive move.

However, we need to be identified with our local Churches because that sense of identity and belonging cannot be underrated.

Nonetheless, let us keep upholding, Our Kingdom identity as believers in the universal household of faith.

May the prevailing unity among brethren continue. 1 Peter 3: 8: “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind”.

The writer is a youth minister and student of Theology at Uganda Christian University-Mukono.


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