Home Featured Confessions Musasizi confesses to bearing false witness against pastor Kayanja

Musasizi confesses to bearing false witness against pastor Kayanja


The year was 2009 when the Kayanja sodomy scandal took over headlines. The scandal came on the heels of another scandal involving former Uganda Cranes manager, Christopher Mubiru Kisingiri who was accused of having carnal knowledge against the order of nature

Between February and April, some young men who accused Kayanja of sodomy recorded
statements at the Central Police Station (CPS) in Kampala and the Criminal Investigations Directorate in Kibuli. Some of the boys, like Samson Mukisa, 19 and Ivan Akansiima, 22, alleged that Kayanja had sodomised them while David Mukalazi, 36, Ronnie Mutebi, 21, Robson Matovu and James Brian Ntwatwa, 24, said he attempted to sodomise them.
Mukisa alleged that he was sodomised l after winning a music competition at Kayanja’s church.
He claimed that after his choir, won the competition, Kayanja drove him in a tinted car to an unknown Kampala hotel, under the guise of congratulating him. Instead, Mukisa recounted, Kayanja sodomised him on June 25 and 26, last year. He added that thereafter, Kayanja called a medical doctor to stitch up his anus and to declare him insane.
Apparently his bodyguards then took him to Kampiringisa Health Centre, where he spent
a month, Mukisa added. After a month at Kampiringisa, a doctor examined him and declared him sane, giving him a ticket out of the place. Mukisa narrated that it was from there that he went to Omega Healing Centre in Namasuba, where he revealed his ordeal to pastors Kyazze, Semujju and Kayiira. In his statement, Mukisa said he joined Rubaga Miracle Centre in 2003, after his father, Richard Bulega, had died. However, according to
the Police, he contradicted himself by saying he stopped going to the church after the death of his father in 2003.
He reportedly swore an affidavit commissioned by lawyer Henry Ddungu, an advocate with Sekana Associates in February 2009. Police carried out investigations and a report, signed by Grace Akullo, the acting Police commissioner in charge of general crimes, came out on August 4. It was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).
The 53-page document says the complainants had retracted their statements, confessing
that they had been mobilised to make false accusations against Kayanja, in order to tarnish his name. Almost seven years later, Musasizi Robert, the young man commonly known as Mukisa showed up with his family to repent and ask for forgiveness for falsely accusing the pastor.

Mukisa now 24 said that he had been coerced by Pastors Michael Kyazze, Solomon Male,
Martin Ssempa and Bob Kayiira among others to falsely accuse Kayanja of sodomy in return they would give him money and take him abroad. Musasizi accompanied by his mother Ms Olivia Nansubuga went on their knees and begged the pastor to forgive them.


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