Home Verse of the moth September Verse (Ecclesiastes 9:10)

September Verse (Ecclesiastes 9:10)


“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.”

What are you doing right now? You might be reading, but are you doing it with your might or it is just casual reading?

If you are reading with your might, it is possible that is how you do the rest of the other activities.

If you do anything with a ‘casual’ attitude, you may not live fully.

Christians are called to do whatever their hands find to do with all their might.

The life we live here on Earth is our only opportunity to work, grow and leave a legacy.

There is no work, no knowledge, no wisdom and no growth in death.

To live is to be active and doing is being. When you stop working, you start dying.

Whatever we do, we are required to do it with all intensity, all vitality, all passion and all keenness.


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