Home Lifestyle Church UnpackingIsaiah 55:1-13

UnpackingIsaiah 55:1-13


Chapters 53, 54 and 55 make a progression series. While 53 shows us the work of Jesus on the cross, 54 points to the coming joyous future Kingdom, and 55 presents an invitation to all to “come ” and enjoy the privileges of the Kingdom.

“Come…you who have no money, come buy…eat without money or cost..” (verse 1). This points to the free gift of  spiritual nourishment for our souls through salvation . Jesus paid it all for us all!

“Why spend money on what is not bread (food)…”(verse2). Remember Jesus is the bread of life. So this verse shows that unbelief is costly yet profits nothing. So, when we ” listen”(obey the Gospel), we enjoy “what is good”. We no longer thirst nor hunger again, when we come to Jesus, the bread of life (John 6:35). For then shall our souls live eternally.

“Seek the Lord  while He may be found…call on Him while He is near.”(verse 6). Will time come when God hides or does He plan to go far? No, it is us who usually drift far from Him, and even fail to seek Him. He has given us free access to His salvation but we have a temporary opportunity to get it. When we die before getting it, “we can no longer find Him.” We go to Him through repentance, turning from our wickedness.

It is possible that Israel tempted to assume that they knew what the Lord was thinking, but “His thoughts are not our thoughts” His wisdom transcends all human wisdom and understanding. Because of science and technology, many think they are wiser than God, that is putting God in a box and  it is blasphemy.

In His infinity and sovereignty, God’s word accomplishes its purpose for which it is sent (verses10-11). Whatever His word says will come to pass. Just like He promised Israel a joyous and peaceful restoration, so will He fulfil every promise to you in His word. Hallelujah!



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